12 East 48th Street is a mid-through-block, 31-story, high rise Hilton Grand Vacations with 161 keys on the 48th street side and commercial retail space at the ground floor on the 47th street side. The cellar level is used for building systems and operations use. The building has a maximum height of 365’-6” above the street level and is a cast-in-place concrete structure with flat plate floor slabs and concrete shear walls. The tower foundation consists of 66” thick concrete mat supported by caissons socketed into bedrock. The building envelope will consist of a folded metal rain screen panel system with oversized punch windows to accentuate views. The windows OITC was increased to accommodate the higher ambient noise at the location.
Scope of Services:
Owner’s Advisor Project and Construction Manager
- Preconstruction
Project Value:
Hidrock Properties